You may have been finding it hard to move ahead because you needed to go back and change the structure first. Today, you can really grab hold of that structure, plot or outline, and tame it. The Moon moving through Leo gives us confidence, and Mercury conjunct Vesta gives us faith in our writing abilities. Mercury sextile Saturn also gives us persistence. This may all seem too rigid, but a stellium in Pisces allows the imagination free rein. The only difference is that we can capture those dreams, write them down, and make them real today.
Tag Archives: astrologer
FEBRUARY 3 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers
This is the day that you say “yes” to yourself, and commit to your own creative projects. The Full Moon in Leo says to step back from being so available to others, and honor your own personal creations. Your individuality is needed in this world. Your writing feeds into the world’s collective future. Step up to the throne (or computer) and take your rightful place as the king/queen of your realm (or office). It’s not a day to be modest or retiring. Grab the pen with confidence, and WRITE!
FEBRUARY 2 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers
The Sun in Aquarius makes harmonious sextiles to several planets and asteroids. You are confident about your new direction, even if it seems unconventional. As the Moon enters Leo and biquintiles Venus/Neptune in Pisces, you will be proud of your ability to know what to write, and when. There may be friction with others who want you to adhere to THEIR vision or to THEIR timetable. Just ignore them. You know what writing schedule is best for you, and they will come around to seeing it your way if you defend yourself calmly but firmly.
FEBRUARY 1 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers
The spotlight is on radical change today. Yet, beneath the strident rhetoric, understanding is struggling to be heard. Today, write about people who relinquish old affiliations in order to achieve peace. Write about people who look in the mirror and realize that their actions actually matter. Write about characters who understand that the change they seek begins with them. What actions will your characters take if they believe that what they do will make a difference? What your characters previously thought was so radical, will appear now as the new normal.
JANUARY 31 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers
You’ll REALLY want to stay in bed this morning and let your imagination go wherever it may. A brunch at home with family or friends seems to be in the mix, as well. Yet these light conversations with others could be fruitful for your writing. You’ll get ideas that can send you straight to the keyboard. Don’t be a lone wolf today. Don’t lock yourself away in your office to write. Come out and nurture your relationships with others. They will give you insights about your characters you may have never thought of alone.
JANUARY 30 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers
Have you ever woken up laughing because your dream was funny? That could happen this morning. Comedy writers have a window of opportunity very early this morning. Write quirky humor today, but don’t write about the obvious. Find subjects that people normally avoid talking about, especially female taboo subjects. Any writing that deals with women coming out into society and being a little shocking will go well today.
JANUARY 29 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers
We may find it hard to concentrate on one thing today as emotions have us flitting from one thing to another. We’re still going in the right general direction, but we walk a zigzag path to our goal. Consider yourself a pinball today, and just ricochet off the ideas as they fling you hither and thither. The most unlikely item that jumps out at you will somehow turn out to be the missing piece to the puzzle. Jot down any ideas you have today, because they’ll be wild and wonderful and moving fast!
JANUARY 28 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers
You have great ideas about the structure of your writing project, but are having difficulty actually putting it all into practice. Lately, you’ve felt as though you’re swimming through jelly trying to get things accomplished. You have the vision, just not the forward motion. New issues may also have come out of left field and knocked you off course. A stellium in Pisces is making everything seem nebulous and unfocused. Yet at the same time, the structure is taking shape, at least in your mind. This is a long term process of restructuring that will bear fruit in mid February. Just keep plodding ahead, absorbing all the new ideas as they occur.