The Moon enters Aquarius this morning giving us inventive ideas about society. If you’re a fantasy or sci-fi writer, you may get some interesting world-building ideas. You can expand those ideas into real dramatic scenes this afternoon and evening. Sun conjunct Mercury, along with Jupiter in Leo all day makes this a day you will want to show off your productions. But Venus in Cancer is trying to get you to stay home. Do a little of both today!
Tag Archives: jupiter
AUGUST 8 ~ daily astrology for writers ~ Writing With The Stars
Your wild, inventive side will be fighting with your down-to-earth, practical side early this morning. After breakfast, you see a way to make both of these conflicting forces work together. The key is to allow both the wild inspiration and the concrete order, and funnel them both into fiery drama. Later, you’ll be worn out from all this excitement, but you’ll see how the results were almost destined. Take a break tonight. You need it!
AUGUST 7 ~ daily astrology for writers ~ Writing With The Stars
It’s difficult to get any writing done this morning, as duties to others are taking your attention. If you’re writing about children’s emotions, though, your work is supported. In the late afternoon, Moon in Capricorn allows you to get practical about using these emotions in your work. Your characters’ emotions will show you which way to take the story if you listen to them. Don’t force your characters into acting to a preconceived outline today. Let your characters’ true emotions lead you into new scenes you may never have thought of without them.
Was Shakespeare a Fan of Astrology?
I couldn’t resist reblogging a link to this article about some of my favorite subjects, writing, Shakespeare and astrology:
“The Bard used astrological nuance to move along his plots and refine his characters, astrologer says.”
In the final act of Shakespeare’s tragedy Julius Caesar, Mark Anthony describes Brutus, the man who came not to praise Caesar but to bury him, in these glowing terms:
“His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world, this was a man!”
This is rare praise indeed for an assassin. But Brutus had dispatched a megalomaniac (Caesar) whose ambitions threatened the cherished way citizens governed themselves in ancient Rome.
Unlike most modern theatre-goers, those sitting in the Globe Theatre audience when the play was first performed 450 years ago would have been much more likely to pick up on the fact that the “elements” Anthony refers to are the astrological elements medieval astrologers considered when making judgments about the temperamental qualities inherent in man’s nature. Most in the audience would have brought to the theatre at least a fundamental awareness of the concepts involved. . . More of this article (by Edward Snow, Managing Editor of the Astrology News Service) at
July 3
Moon in Virgo deals with details today, but you need to be fast to catch them. In the morning, ideas will pop up from nowhere and if you’re not ready, you’ll miss them. Early in the afternoon, you may just give up and socialize. By evening, there’s a nice sextile between the Moon and Jupiter in Cancer. Great for comedy writers! Your words and feelings go dancing together tonight!
June 26
Utilize the last day of the Moon in Gemini by continuing on with the emotional scenes you’ve been writing. Jupiter in Cancer is expanding the emotional foundation of your written work this week as it makes harmonious aspects to the stellium in communicative Gemini. The more you can give of yourself emotionally in your work this week, the better!