Utilize the last day of the Moon in Gemini by continuing on with the emotional scenes you’ve been writing. Jupiter in Cancer is expanding the emotional foundation of your written work this week as it makes harmonious aspects to the stellium in communicative Gemini. The more you can give of yourself emotionally in your work this week, the better!
Tag Archives: writing
June 25
Today, the Moon makes a yod with Uranus, pointing toward Saturn in Scorpio. Write that uncomfortable, deeply emotional scene that may even include some violence. Mars opposite Uranus reinforces this theme. Those scenes are hard to write at the best of times, but this IS the best of times to write them!
June 22
With Venus and the Moon in Taurus today, write using all your senses. Describe the taste of that succulent melon, the tension release of water flowing over your head in the shower, the trembling, gentle first kiss. Use sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing and all the ‘spidey senses’ in your writing today.
June 21
It’s the Summer Solstice! We’re ready to display our gifts, as usual at this time of year, but there’s an electric urgency about it today with Uranus and the Moon in Aries. Put something out into the public today that builds on securing your writing foundation. It’s the perfect day to post something on your author’s blog!