AUGUST 19 ~ daily astrology for writers ~ Writing With The Stars

moonclouds_smallHistory writers will be able to bring their research into their writing in a believable way today. Any writing concerning the past will sound realistic and authentic, even if it’s fantasy fiction. Jupiter has been conjuncting Venus in Leo, so pleasant words have been coming easily. The structural issues have been a concern, though. Moon in Gemini sextile Sun in Leo gives you a burst of confidence tonight, especially in romantic, dramatic scenes. Later, you begin to see how the details fit into the overall structure.

What Type of Writer are You?

moonclouds_smallTaurus in the Third House: You are a slow, deliberate writer. You may take a long time to write a work. Novels and other long forms of writing are the most natural for you. You are a sensual writer. You like to describe the scenery, the smells, the tastes, the sounds, and how something feels to the touch. This can be an advantage in making your writing a rich, sensual experience for the reader. Just make sure you don’t get lost in the scenery, over-describing things at the expense of the forward motion of the story. A sensual style of poetry can also be a natural form for you.

AUGUST 18 ~ daily astrology for writers ~ Writing With The Stars

moonclouds_smallYou may write a lot of words this morning, but those words may not make a whole lot of sense. Something is interfering with the muse. By late morning, you realize that you need to reassess the basic underlying structure of the work. A yod this evening points to the problem. You’re playing it too safe! You need to inject some shock value or an unconventional element to take the work deeper. Don’t stay with obvious, cliché, surface writing. Brainstorm some wild new alternatives!

AUGUST 17 ~ daily astrology for writers ~ Writing With The Stars

moonclouds_smallMercury in Virgo gives us the ability to write anything today, but we’ll be drawn to deeper, emotional topics. Ceres in Scorpio trine Neptune gives us easy access to these deep emotional waters. With Mars sextile Pluto, what we write today can force us to make big changes in the overall structure of the work. This evening, as the Moon moves into Gemini, words will flow out of us easily. Maybe too easily! We’ll definitely have to edit them later.

AUGUST 16 ~ daily astrology for writers ~ Writing With The Stars

moonclouds_smallIf you have a sex scene in your story, or any physically intimate or passionate scene, write it today. This is the day to write the murder scene, the accident scene, the fight scene. Later, as Mercury sextiles Ceres, you could also write the hospital scene, the bandaging scene, or the shamanic healer scene. You can put your characters through physical intensity today, but, by the end of the day, you will be healing them.

AUGUST 15 ~ daily astrology for writers ~ Writing With The Stars

moonclouds_smallYou’ll be fired up to write very early this morning. This is the day you can add all the tiny details you may have left out. It is a perfect day for editing. You’ll be tired of all the emotional depths you’ve been writing about, and you’re ready to concentrate on the minutiae. Go over old scenes and paint in the decorative scenic items you may have missed. It’s a great day to describe the physical surroundings or your characters’ appearance. Or try giving one of your characters a small, but meaningful gesture that would add depth to the scene.

AUGUST 14 ~ daily astrology for writers ~ Writing With The Stars

moonclouds_smallWrite scenes where your characters are frustrated today. They are irritated, but don’t know why. They are anxious, but can’t put their finger on the exact cause. These are the pacing-around-the-room-with-worry scenes. The scratching-their-head-trying-to-fit-the-puzzle-together scenes. Don’t let them solve the problem too quickly. Let them stew awhile. Later, a detail from the past could be the key that fixes everything.

AUGUST 13 ~ daily astrology for writers ~ Writing With The Stars

moonclouds_smallYou can pick up where you left off yesterday with that romance scene. The emotions get feisty and passionate as the Moon enters Aries. Maybe a lover’s spat? With Moon trine Jupiter, your characters are heating up. They may fall into a passionate embrace. They may just as easily get angry, stomp out of the room, and slam the door behind them. Either way, today’s writing waters will be at an emotional full boil.