SEPTEMBER 16 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallHarmonic angles in the early morning point to the ability to discern when your writing is getting too melodramatic. There’s a fine line between developing those wonderful new ideas, and going over the top. Today, you can navigate that line like a tightrope walker. In the evening, anyone writing fantasy for small children will have the muse on their side. Any scenes of innocence or nice, homey family scenes will almost write themselves.

SEPTEMBER 15 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallAfter our doubts of yesterday, we can now discern our path forward. We realize that our doubts were groundless. We were just afraid. Now, as the Moon trines the North Node and Mercury in Libra, writing becomes a joy again. We gain confidence and direction because we survived yesterday’s fears and came out unscathed. We now know that, even though doubts will arise, we can persevere and move past them as easily as stepping over pebbles in our path.

SEPTEMBER 14 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallThe Moon moves into communicative Gemini, and Mars moves into intellectually expansive Sagittarius. Today, our writing ability should open up like a flower, but there are a few problems. First, we have to deal with anxieties about our direction. Then we have to deal with some unconscious doubts about our abilities. Then, in the afternoon, we’re fretting about whether or not our writing measures up to what’s already out there in society. After a day of doubts and fears, we are back where we started. Just put one word after the next and keep on going.

Astrology and the English Language

astrology_chart_4Here’s an interesting article I found:

Astrological Terms Hiding Everywhere in Plain Sight

Written by: Frank Piechoski

The English Language has many words whose etymology is derived from astrology

Is it lunacy to consider that the flu disaster chronology has anything to do with astrology – even on a Sunday?

In case you missed them, the above sentence contains six astrology-derived words in addition to the word astrology itself.  . . . more at Astrology News Service

SEPTEMBER 13 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallThe day starts out with the ability to write all the sensual details in a unique, dramatic style. Then, this afternoon, the Moon moves out of deep Scorpio into expansive, optimistic Sagittarius. You can finally make progress on that novel! We’ve been mired in our own deep feelings lately. Now we can write about our characters’ deep feelings instead. A few niggly details will take your attention after dinner. Attend to them diligently.

SEPTEMBER 12 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallThe early morning is good for tidying up details in either the outline or in your writing process. Later, your creativity is sparked with new ideas. Things have been up in the air lately, but a grand trine in earth signs brings it all back down to the ground. We now have the ability to get our writing projects back on track. This afternoon, your emotions may cause disruptions. If you can channel them into poetry or song lyrics, that energy can be useful.

SEPTEMBER 11 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallYou wake up in a wonderful, expansive mood that lingers throughout the morning. Anyone writing about self-help, women’s issues or healing of any kind will do well today. By lunch time we’re all getting a little moody. This is a great time to write emotionally intense dialogue. It can be arguments or love scenes. The topic doesn’t matter. The emotional intensity is the key. If the conversation leads to a healing between the people, all the better.

SEPTEMBER 10 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallThe Moon moves into Aries today. You’ll be motivated to move forward with your writing projects. A quincunx to Venus, however, makes it difficult to get the words down in a pleasing manner. Things can get a little dramatic by lunch time if you push too hard to make everything fit into a mold. A Sun, Saturn, Uranus yod points to a breakthrough if you open up to new, exciting, unorthodox ideas. You’re being squeezed today so that something original will pop out onto the page!