SEPTEMBER 24 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallThe Sun and Moon in Libra are quincunx Neptune. It will be hard to relate to anyone this morning. Today is best for dreaming and letting the ideas simmer in the subconscious. By late afternoon, Moon sextile Mars allows us to get at least SOME work done, but not much. Our writing is dogged by a Moon square Pluto this evening, and it gets worse as the night wears on. Don’t worry if you can’t write today. Tomorrow, inspirational words will flow out of you. Today, just prepare the notebook and pen with which you’ll catch them.

SEPTEMBER 23 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallAs we move further into the fall equinox period, the Moon conjuncts Venus in Virgo giving our emotional expression great beauty. This is reinforced as the Sun and Mercury are both in beauty loving Libra. With a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio, this means deep, profound beauty, not the surface make-up kind. A complex aspect pattern between Jupiter in dramatic Leo, Uranus in energetic Aries, and nurturing, healing, Chiron and Ceres, points to writing the type of literature that can actually heal.

SEPTEMBER 22 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallPluto stations today before moving direct. Get ready to take those projects forward and make them a concrete reality. Pluto trine Moon in Virgo gives you the emotional ability to get down to some serious work. You may get some unique ideas out of the blue as you listen to the radio, read, or dream. Messages that can enhance your work may come from unexpected places today. This is the fall equinox as the Sun moves into Libra this evening. We are poised at the balance point between what we have sown in the past and what we will reap from that as we move forward.

SEPTEMBER 21 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallIn the morning, continue writing the harmony of opposites you were working on yesterday. Early in the afternoon, the Moon moves into Virgo further enhancing your ability to balance emotion and reason. But by mid-afternoon you hit a brick wall. A T-square between the Moon, Neptune and Mars stops forward progress. You are being forced to look at the deeper meaning of your work. Take the evening off to ponder the big picture. Have a tea and think about your overall theme. How can you bring that theme into the work in a concrete way?

SEPTEMBER 20 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallThis can be a fun writing day as long as you concentrate on the beauty of the words themselves. You’ve already brought in the new ideas over the last few days. Now you can polish them into poetic, pleasing prose. The Moon moving through Leo conjuncts Lilith promising a balance between male and female, yin and yang, anima and animus, action and reflection. Neither one will be able to dominate the other. Your writing achieves balance. But this is not a boring compromise. It is a true harmony of opposites.

SEPTEMBER 19 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallHigh drama and comedy beats quiet reflection this morning. After lunch, you can take stock and assess the editing priorities. You may be conflicted trying to push your writing into structured outlines, plot points, or preset forms. But this is fresh new material that won’t be bullied into submission! It’s the outline that has to change, not the raw material. If in doubt, go with the drama, the jokes, the entertaining tidbits. They will refresh your work and make it better in the long run.

SEPTEMBER 18 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallIt will be almost impossible to write fluff today. Moon trine Saturn in Scorpio takes us deep into the hidden. Unconscious impulses are only perceived through emotion and the body, not through the mind. Therefore, write the raw feelings today, even if they are uncomfortable. By evening, we will be able to articulate the feelings into understandable thoughts and concepts through the editing process. The potential is that we will discover new ways of looking at the everyday world that have never even been considered before.

SEPTEMBER 17 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallA grand trine in water signs points to a day of writing about anything to do with nurturing, compassion or innocence. Writers of children’s literature will have another great writing day. Poets, too could find the perfect words for describing the indescribable today. There is a way to blend the traditional, the familiar, the tried and true with the new, the wild and the speculative. Harmonizing those polarities is the writing goal for today.