NOVEMBER 17 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallThis morning, all the details become clear, and you can line up your ideas in a way that makes sense. But this will only happen if you have released rigid control over your writing project, and have embraced the changes that have been wanting to happen. This afternoon, as the Moon enters Libra and sextiles Venus in Sagittarius, your writing goes smoothly as long as you’re not trying to force it into that old structure. By now, you should have made overarching structural changes to the work. If you haven’t, go back and do that now. It will make things so much easier later.

NOVEMBER 16 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallAs the Moon trines Mars this morning, you can be very discerning about your writing. You can weed out clichés, passive voice, and boring description. Later, Venus enters Sagittarius, and you see exactly where you are going. Your creative trajectory becomes clear. It’s not all rosy, though, because it will require some changes to the plot or outline that may be annoying. It may appear as nit-picking and too much focus on the details. These details, however, will make or break your writing. Just get them done.

Character Skills and Talents: Astrological Divination

solar_system_astrologyAs writers, we want to make our characters as unique and interesting as possible. One way to do this is to give your character a special skill or talent that sets him apart from other people. This might be something small, like having a green thumb or being good with animals, to a larger and more competitive talent like stock car racing or being an award-winning film producer.

When choosing a talent or skill, think about the personality of your character, his range of experiences and who his role models might have been. Some talents might be genetically imparted while others are created through exposure (such as a character talented at fixing watches from growing up in his father’s watch shop) or grow out of interest (archery, wakeboarding, or magic). Don’t be afraid to be creative and make sure the skill or talent is something that works with the scope of the story.

Description: exploring the study of the placement of stars, planets and constellations, to determine how astrological structure can affect personality and influence life events. A character who has studied astrology extensively can chart an individual’s celestial path by using the date and hour of their birth. This information can offer unique insight into their. . . see more of this interesting post written by Angela Ackerman at Writers Helping Writers

NOVEMBER 15 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallNeptune stations before turning direct today. This morning, details will be difficult to address. The energy today is all about quirky new ideas or technologies that can improve your writing process. Look into writing software or apps that can make you more efficient. This evening, we shift into a nostalgic mode. Tonight is favorable for writing about people from the past who made a difference to humanity. Articles, biographies or docudramas about inventors, scientists or humanitarians are in focus tonight.

NOVEMBER 14 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallThis morning, the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Leo and we have a need to expand the dramatic scope of our writing. Mercury remains in Scorpio giving us the mental strength to probe into emotionally sensitive areas. In complete contrast to yesterday, seriousness trumps fun today. Our best work is done if we focus on intense, difficult relationships. It’s a great day to write that argument scene you may have been avoiding, or that article about domestic violence or international tension between nations.

NOVEMBER 13 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy today. There’s a tug-of-war between being super serious and just wanting to have a good time today. Having fun wins. Don’t get me wrong. There’s still a hard aspect between revolutionary Uranus and intense Mars/Pluto in hard working Capricorn. Yet today, it will seem that, the more fun we allow, the more work we actually get done. The two are not mutually exclusive. By this evening, we see where all this is going. It’s an “Aha” moment that appeases the strict taskmaster by showing him how all this entertainment is adding value to the structure we’ve been building.

NOVEMBER 12 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallThis morning, we get revolutionary ideas about radical new structures. You could completely change your plot line or start pursuing a unique new theme in your writing. Expansive ideas will burst forth, but you won’t be able to put all of them into words or complete sentences today. Just take notes, and see where they lead. This afternoon, take those ideas and ponder on them without trying to put it into any solid form. Things are shifting rapidly today. If you try your best to keep up with them, that’s the best you can do.

NOVEMBER 11 ~ Writing With The Stars ~ daily astrology for writers

moonclouds_smallThe day has surface waves of fluctuating emotions, but the underlying depths are stable and intense. We are writing about serious, longstanding relationships that transcend time and space. We may be writing about historic exchanges between countries that involved upset and death. History writers and those writing about war and are highlighted today. We may also be writing about difficult relationships from the past, such as cold case murders, old betrayals or labor unrest. There is a glimmer of hope here, though, with Chiron sextile Mars/Pluto, that shows us the way toward forgiveness and healing.